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Meet Elaine C. Hill


Elaine Hill lives, performs, and teaches in the Charlotte, North Carolina, area with her two children. With previous scholarship in the cognitive realms of language, her process of healing mental, hidden physical illness, and relational upheaval has shifted her artwork to craft an emotionally poetic experience from the language of the soul. She is the author of two collections, a chapbook entitled A Thousand Small: Poems from Early Motherhood, and a full-length collection, Sing Home Back to Me from Read or Green Books. Her written work has appeared in Wingless Dreamer, Levee, Contrary Magazine, Of Earth and Sky, has won awards in the Carolinas, and her performances are featured on CarolinaPoets podcast & Angry Cow Poetry.  

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This spoken word and accompanying video were created specifically for Lake Forest Church-Huntersville's 2021 Easter Worship Services. Poem Written & Performed by: Elaine C. Hill Director/Editor: Austin Moses Producer: Harrison Gilmig Cinematographer: Joseph Beckham Gear From: Charlotte Film Rentals Sound Recordist: Harrison Gilmig Starring: Coleman Ferguson & Julie Newell Date: April 2021 Project: Commissioned Spoken Word Poetry

Twenty-four incredibly talented poets bring their heart, soul, pain, laughter, joy, and love in this new collection. Project: Angry Cow Poetry Date: April 2021

Celebrating Women's History Month on an installment of #PoetryGoesViral featuring Jill Coyle, Elaine Hill, and Kimberly Simms. Project: Carolina Poets Date: March 2021

The concept started during the initial shutdown from Covid, with all these amazing spoken word artists who weren’t able to stand in front of crowds and tell their truths and inspire. These voices, Outdoor Voices huge in their power, were trapped in their homes, in an indoor world. The showcase allowed poets’ voices to be heard even through quarantine, even through distance. Project: Outdoor Voices in an Inside World: Volume 8 Date: Nov. 2021



"I was just going to skim it, but I found myself drawn in, weeping, at the restaurant, and I just did not care."

-Sing Home Back to Me Reader, CLT, NC

"“From experience, motherhood undulates between overwhelm and enlightenment. Her poetry in A Thousand Small breathes life into the lull between waves and allows us to meditate on the maternal condition.”."

-Sara C., D.O.

Featured Work & Notables


“When the Fish Have New Names: Children’s books and the co-development of language and interaction during
language acquisition.”

-Southern Journal of Linguistics, ed. Thiede, R..


“I like to wake with intention, but sometimes I wake with a headache,”

-Contrary Magazine.


A Thousand Small: Poems from Early Motherhood, poetry chapbook. Self-published. 

Ranked in 85 Best-Selling Postpartum Depression Books of All Time by BookAuthority


“Each heart is a bird,” Selected for Anthology, Flee to Spring, eds. Wingless Dreamer.


"Open Letter to a Doctor", original poem and reading at public community event for,

-The Charlotte Center


“Jump-Off Rock”

Travelers Rest Artists Alliance and Wits End Poetry announce “Poetic Journeys” Poetry Prize as part of the 2016 Art on the Trail Festival.



“on explaining cigarettes to children, ages 3 and 5,”

-Levee Magazine.


“Biscuits and Grief” and other poems. Francine Ringold Award for New Writers.

-Nimrod Internat'l Journal.


“Materialization [The streets are enough],” eds. Bluz Rogers, Jay Ward, Jordan Bailey. Charlotte,NC.


Master of Arts in English Linguistics || University of North Carolina at Charlotte


Bachelor of Arts in Cognitive Science, Linguistics || University of Virginia

Civic Reflection Facilitator 


American Red Cross First Aid/CPR/AED 

HeartMath Certified Mentor


CHEK Holistic Life Coach Certification


Award-winning poet, experience public speaker, writer, & facilitator, and English professional specializing in writing, editing, somatic mindfulness, teaching,and experiential learning. Certified Life Coach providing resilience and body-based mindfulness coaching, resilience training, nutritional and lifestyle modifications for healing journeys, and writing-towards-healing workshops.

Image by THE 5TH

Holistic Life & Resilience Content Writer

Research and speak on physical, psychological, & spiritual health in small group or 1-on-1 settings. Work with HeartMath and Holistic Life Coaching materials with clients.

Image by Gift Habeshaw

Writing Center Instructor

Established and implemented curriculum for college writing course. Provided open-ended feedback, copy editing to clients’ work. Lead young adults in critical thinking, early website development, editing skills, & rhetorical conventions.

Image by Annie Spratt

1-on-1 Coach & Facilitator

Developed strategies, implemented structure, & supported child with autism through integration into classroom by tutoring & instruction in emotional awareness.


Active Community Poet

An active member of Guerilla Poets an International non-profit made up of spoken word artists, visual artists, and other art forms who provide artistic programming in communities to people of all ages.

Image by Element5 Digital

Founder & Implementer

Designed daily learning experiences for up to 20 preadolescent children. Adapted methods to students’ learning styles. Prepared lesson plans & training guides for new instructors.


Group Workshop Facilitator

Certified Civil Reflection workshops to lead groups in responding to key civic conversations by observing art. Writing-towards-Healing workshops to assist with mental health, resiliency, or embracing holistic practices.

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